Who then is the faithful and wise servant, whom his master has set over his household, to give them their food at the proper time? – Matthew 24:45 (ESV)
Children’s Ministries
During the morning worship service, we provide a loving childcare for infants and toddlers from birth to 3 years old.
We strive to have a nursery where responsible volunteers create a safe atmosphere of love and laughter for young children. This allows parents to participate in the Church services without concern for their children.
Sunday School
Preschool: Available year-round for children aged 3 to 5 years. Classes are held during the morning Church Service. An announcement will be made when it is time for the Children to go downstairs.
Sunday School: For grades 1 to 6 takes place immediately after the morning service. Children gather in the sanctuary before proceeding to their classrooms.
Catechism: Students, grades 7 to 12, meet in their classrooms immediately following the morning service.
Sunday School and Catechism classes are held from September to May.
Vacation Bible School (VBS)
Every day, our children are bombarded with questions: Did God really create everything? Why do bad things happen? Was Noah’s ark real? Why do I need to be saved? Can I trust the Bible? At this year’s VBS, your children will explore the biblical answers to these questions as they set off on an epic adventure from Genesis to Revelation and learn to reconnect the Bible to their everyday life.
VBS is for children ages 4 to completed grade 4. The event is hosted during the Summer for five mornings, 09:00 to noon, with a wrap up program on Friday evening. For more details, visit our VBS website: https://noblefordvbs.com.
Use our Contact Us page to send questions to our VBS Administrators.

The mission of GEMS Girls’ Clubs is to help bring girls into a living, dynamic relationship with Jesus Christ. Our vision is to see girls around the world actively and enthusiastically expressing love for God and others. Our activities include Bible study, crafting, singing, and indulging in delicious snacks.
This program is designed for Girls in grades 3 to 9. We gather every other Tuesday from 18:30 to 20:30 at the Church, running from September through May.
Youth Group
Youth Group is specifically for high school students in grades 10 to 12. These meetings take place on Sunday evenings after the church service at 19:15.
Students have the option to meet either at the church or in a member’s home.
The meetings alternate between engaging Bible study sessions and enjoyable social evenings.
For additional details, please refer to the Church Bulletin.


The Calvinist Cadet Corps is an independent youth ministry organization whose purpose is to provide the local church with ministry programs that will enable them to effectively share Christ’s love with boys from their church and community. We join in Bible study, create fun woodworking projects, and enjoy lots of tasty snacks.
This program is designed for Boys in grades 4 to 9. We meet every Monday from 18:45 to 20:30 at the Church, running from October to March.
Adult Ministries
Young Adults
Young Adults is specifically for post-high school young adults. These meetings take place every other Sunday evening at the Youth Leader’s home. Be sure to check the Church Bulletin for additional details.
Woman’s Bible Study
Ladies from the Church and Community meet every Thursday evening from 19:30 to 21:00 to study the Bible and Fellowship together from early Fall through to mid Spring.